Sweet Valentine Decor

In early February of last year I walked into my parents’ house and immediately noticed the darling decoration she had hung from the mantle. She had made a garland with antique Valentine’s Day cards stitched onto ribbon. It was simple and sweet, just a tiny touch of themed décor for the holiday. It’s tough to muster up the energy to decorate immediately on the heels of a couple of months heavy with holiday décor, but adding just a little something singular can have big impact.

DSC_4124_edited-1DSC_4138_edited-2Based on other posts you may know that my sewing machine is still in the box, but there are other cute ways you can attach the cards, such as these mini clothes pins or heart shaped brads. The stitching adds more weight and may make the garland easier to drape if using ribbon, but using thick yarn could give you that affect without the sewing.


Reality Check. I had every intention of completing this project with the yarn and clothes pins (or brads) but sometimes you have time for a project and sometimes you just have time to go to Michael’s.

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