Materials needed include: a neutral colored lampshade, artificial hydrangea blossoms (amount will depend on the size of the lampshade – this medium shade used 3 stems that had 5 blossom clusters each), a hot glue gun, buttons, and a bowl of ice water (which comes in handy for the occasional drip of hot glue on fingers).
Gently remove the petals from the stems.
Starting with a row of petals at the bottom of the lampshade, glue petals on with just a dab of glue in the center. Place them relatively close together, which encourages the petals to fluff up and not lay flat. Glue a button in the center of each petal. Use buttons on the bottom and the top of the shade only, as buttons on every petal would make the lampshade pretty heavy. Proceed to glue petals in rows around the shade. If your petals have variation to them (similar to the green accents of these), place randomly throughout the body of the shade to achieve a nice effect – particularly when illuminated.
Reality Check. A couple of disclaimers. Be careful – working with this much hot glue is bound to sting a bit (the ice water was very helpful). Also, please make sure to use a very low wattage bulb, as you need to be considerate of the heat generated any time you place additional decoration or material on a lampshade.