The fall colors may have arrived late this year in Minnesota, but when they did they were spectacular. Vibrant and rich and varied. A great backdrop to this mostly black outfit, with pops of color in the piping of the sleeves and in the accessories. Much like the sentiments I shared about vests in this earlier post (link here), I’ve resisted the poncho trend, but they are pretty awesome in any of the many situations now and over the course of the next several months when there is an extra chill in the air.
Free People thermal top | Ann Taylor poncho (not available online) | Citizens of Humanity jeans | Banana Republic booties and sunglasses (not available online) | Tory Burch handbag (similar here) | Anthropologie earrings

Reality Check. The fall colors really were wonderful this year, but these pictures were taken in my parents’ yard, where the colors were particularly perfect. I may have intermittent spots of fun fall color in my garden here and there, but within the same picture frame is a dead plant, dirty chair cushions we forgot to take in from an outdoor dinner in July, or a kid’s discarded Frisbee. But my mom’s garden? Tidy as the day is long, with the colors perfectly staged and complementing each other as if painted on a canvas.