Checking In

When Taylor was little, it was a rare occasion when Trevor and I had time together, just the two of us. As working parents, I think we felt that we needed to spend as much time as possible with the little dude, since we missed so much of the day with him. Then Ella came along. And she came with colic. So, I quickly took the advice we had heard for years, got on the task of finding a babysitter, and asked her to come on a regular schedule. At least once every other week we have a date night on the books – a time to check in with each other. It’s a good excuse to doll up a bit (most nights, my make-up is off and I’m in sweats within about 6 minutes of getting home), and a great time for the two of us to ask each other questions other than “when do swimming lessons start?” or “can you take T to the birthday party this weekend?”


  Gap dress (similar chambray version here) | Kate Spade earrings | Tiffany & Co. sunglasses Banana Republic necklace | Hobo clutch (in other colors here) | Michael Kors watch | J Crew bracelets, green cuff: old | Tory Burch heels (khaki here)


Reality Check. Generally our conversation still focuses on the types of questions listed above, but at least we have a glass of wine in front of us and don’t have to do the dishes.

1 Comment on Checking In

  1. Tracey
    September 15, 2014 at 8:23 pm (11 years ago)

    I remember those days, mine are all in college now and the house is way too quiet! Love the dress!!


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