A few years ago I was paired with another female lawyer to give a presentation during an annual meeting of attorneys in our industry. It was the official beginning of the friendship between Country Mouse and City Mouse. She’s my friend from L.A. who I have referenced in a couple of other posts and, in many ways, we couldn’t lead more different lives. She takes her son to the beach in her free time and lunches with Reese Witherspoon (well, in the photo-bombing kind of way, but still); I live a city that warns about the length of time children can be outside without freezing an appendage and my star sightings are local news anchors. Yet we’re thick as thieves, and she recently made her first visit to Minnesota. It was snowing and frigid, and I was sad that I couldn’t share the beauty of the city’s lakes and landscape. So I turned the focus to food and drink, which I happen to think Minneapolis does spectacularly well. I’m a far cry from restaurant critic, I don’t write food copy particularly well, and this certainly is not intended to be a compilation of reviews or even recommendations. It’s just some musings about a few great days of food and drink in the city.
Bruch at Tilia. A favorite spot of mine for lunch and dinner alike, but this was my first experience with brunch. It was delightful, which was not at all a surprise.